β€œThe advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.”
Bill Gates

Tzero Studios is not just about traditional animation. We also have a deep expertise in the web3 and NFT space, working with the top NFT projects to develop their animation, cartoons, and IP expansion. Our co-founder, Justin Shenkarow, is a leading voice in the NFT world, hosting the NFT Heat podcast and winning Ethereum Global's Hackathon for NFTs in early 2021. He's in the top 1% of NFT collectors and has built NFT teams, led strategy on metaverse and loyalty programs, and advises top NFT projects.  Justin is also a Cryptopunk, giving him access to the most elite digital country club in the world.  He hosts dinners for his fellow Cryptopunks, who are the founders of the top web3 companies, and he speaks at many of the web3 conferences around the globe.

Justin's not the only NFT expert on our team, though. Our other co-founder, Thomas Borowski, has worked for some of the biggest names in animation, including Cartoon Network, Pixar, Disney, and Nickelodeon. He was an early artist and owner of the successful NFT project Knights of Degen and created all the art for football legend Dez Bryant's NFT projects.

At Tzero Studios, we understand the importance of community and how to bridge the gap between web2 and web3 successfully. With our team of experts, we bring a unique perspective to the world of animation and NFTs, combining our deep roots in the industry with our innovative approach to the latest technology. So join us at Tzero Studios, where creativity meets the cutting edge of the digital world.